Easter facts
- The symbolism of Easter baskets is unique.
When completely stuffed with eggs, the woven treat containers resemble bird nests and represent new life. Plus, they’re very practical way to gather those treats on your Easter egg hunt.
- Easter lilies are a more recent custom.
These beautiful flowers first came from Japan and started arriving in England in the late 18th century. The rest of the world only caught onto the trend after World War I. The shift from dormant lamps to blossoms recalls hope and rebirth, two significant themes of the Easter feast.
- The Easter Bunny is German
In Germany during the Middle Ages, hares and eggs were symbols of fertility, and it was at this time that the myth of an egg-laying, candy-giving bunny originated. The Easter Bunny didn’t become a well-known until the first German immigrants arrived in the 1700s.
- Italy produced the tallest Easter egg in the world in 2011.
It weighed 15,873 pounds and towered a remarkable 34 feet, 1.05 inches. Speaking of Easter eggs, a little more than half of people all over the world say they prefer their eggs filled with peanut butter, caramel, or chocolate ganache, rather than hollow or made of solid chocolate.
- We Go for the Ears First
It’s true. A little over three-quarters of people claim to eat the chocolate bunny’s ears first, with the remaining individuals starting with the feet, tail, or other appealing parts. Every year, approximately 91 million chocolate bunnies are sold in the United States, so no matter how you choose to slice (or bite?) it, you’re a part of a proud tradition.
- We Really Love Our Eggs
Years ago, families coloured their Easter eggs organically using onion skins, beetroot, and purple cabbage. More than 10 million packaged dye kits—the kind where you drop a colour tablet into a cup of white vinegar—are sold each year, despite the fact that some people still use these techniques. Everyone else must be devilling their eggs for Easter brunch.